
What buildings are design classes in?
What professional design organizations should I join?
I have an idea and want to start something, who do I contact?
Where can I get more information about the Speaker Series?
How do I get involved in the Career Fair?
What is Canyon Ventures? How can I get involved?
Where can I find a list of design clubs?
Is the CAM building (building 35) open 24 hours?
How do I operate the laser printer in room 160?
Who do I contact if the laser printer in room 160 is broken?
What do I do when the printers in Room 35-160 run out of ink/paper?
Where do I print larger pages (11x17 and larger)?
Where can I find the printers?
Do I need the whole Adobe Creative Cloud suite, or just certain applications?
Is there a student discount for Adobe Creative Cloud?
What are the computer requirements for design students?
Do I need a Wacom tablet for class?
Do I need an iPad for class?
Is a mouse required for class?
Where can I locate my majors coursewalk?
Is there an available room to practice a presentation?
Who do I contact to use the photography studio room?
Are there computers that I can use to render videos?
Does the College of Arts and Media have technology for rent?
Where can I find professors information and office hours times?
Who do I contact to discuss concerns?
Who do I contact to discuss an issue in the classroom?
Who do I contact to dispute a grade?
Does Digital Design have a resource library?
Does the GCU library have design books and resources?
Are there tutors available?
Are there digital tutorials for Adobe applications?
What do I do when my file is too large for HaloLearn?
Where do I find my assignments?
Can I make group chats on Basecamp?
Can I message my professor on Basecamp?
How do I message people on Basecamp?
What is the purpose of Basecamp?
How do I turn in my assignments (Basecamp and Halo Learn)?
How many hours per class minimum should I spend on homework?
Where can I print non-traditional items for class (business cards, envelopes, stickers, etc.)?
Does the Professor have the right to assign homework over breaks?